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Welcome to Gale Courses, provided by the Lawrence Public Library

Gale Courses offers a wide range of highly interactive, instructor led courses that you can take entirely online.   As a library card holder in good standing, you are entitled to these courses at no cost. Courses run for six weeks and new sessions begin every month.

How to Enroll:

1. Find courses by browsing through the categories on the left of your screen or by using the search bar above.  Click "Enroll Now" next to the course of your choice.

2. Select your course start date and click "Continue."

3. Create a free Gale Courses account, or sign in to an existing Gale Courses or ed2go account.

  • New Students - Enter your email address in the New Student area and click "Create Account." Complete the "Account and Student Information" page and then click "Continue."
  • Returning Students - Enter your account email and password and then click "Sign In.”

You will use your Gale Courses account email and password to log in to the My Classroom area to view your lessons once your session begins.

4. Enter your library barcode in the box labeled Submit.  Then click “Use Library Card” to complete your enrollment.


Students who have enrolled in a course must log in and view lessons one and two within 13 days after the start date of the course, or they will be automatically dropped.

Students who are dropped from a course will be able to enroll in the course during a later session.

This PassCode is not currently assigned to a course. Please choose a course then apply the PassCode at checkout.
  1. Locate the desired course and click Enroll Now.
  2. Select a session start date on the Select Date page. You will then move on to the Sign In page.
  3. Use either Returning Students or New Student to access or create your account.
  4. Enter your Pre Authorized PassCode as a payment option.

The Course this PassCode applies to is already in your cart with a PassCode applied.

This PassCode has expired.

This PassCode is invalid or has already been used.

This PassCode is already being applied to an item in your cart.

If you have a PassCode from your employer or your learning institution, enter it here. A PassCode
is associated to a course and when applied the course is automatically added to your cart.